Search Results for 'tile'
Hebon ND Facility
Echo Eliminator Solves BIG Reverberation Problem in Hebron ND Facility! Ted, I wanted to thank you again for all your help and insight related to our acoustic tile installation for the City of Hebron, ND. I figured that an overview of how this all came to fruition would be in order. To start, I was […]
Lil Explorers Child Care
Childcare Acoustical Treatment: If you walk into any childcare facility across the country, you are guaranteed to experience three things: Kids, noise, and germs. We suggest repeatedly washing your hands to battle the germs and take deep breaths and exegesis patience to enjoy the company of the kids, and either use earplugs or acoustical panels […]
Customized Car
Testimonial for Noise S.T.O.P. Echo Eliminator™ Bonded Acoustical Cotton, and Duct V-Max Vibration Damper Used on a Customized Dodge Sprinter Van To Whom It May Concern: “Being a polymer and materials scientist I’m familiar with the properties of synthetic industrial fibers and textiles. For the last decade, my research has focused on understanding biomimicry and […]
Hearing and Believing – The Most Interesting Auditory Illusions
Sensory illusions are interesting concepts. They cause us to perceive the world in different ways than we are used to and even question our judgment on what seemingly straightforward things represent. That’s because sensory illusions are created by stimuli that can be easily misinterpreted by the senses. We are presented with a limited amount of […]
4 Smart Uses for Fabric-Wrapped Acoustical Products
There are any number of acoustical treatments that can improve the acoustics, feeling and overall experience in a room, as well as blend seamlessly or accent the existing aesthetics. Many of these products are wrapped with acoustically transparent fabric, and the color, pattern and texture choices are vast – making them extremely versatile. Due to […]
Meeting in the Middle: Sound Absorption and Fireproofing in One
Impeccable sound can transform a seemingly humble space into an immersive experience. When rooms sound the way they should, every spoken word lands in a more meaningful way. One of the keys to achieving such an environment is sound absorption. The right materials can ensure that outside noise doesn’t penetrate and clutter the soundscape in […]
How To Soundproof Stairs And Walls With Staircases
Staircases with wall panels can be uniquely noisy locations in any property. If they’re not constructed with sound control in mind, every click, creak and squeak seems to migrate to each level of the structure in ways footfalls in other locations don’t. Why is that? By knowing a little bit about the structure surrounding our […]
Elegance with cube ceiling design
For those of us whose lives revolve around visual stimuli, ceilings are an important part of interior design. Not only can the right ceiling design add a touch of style to any room, but they can actually make the room more comfortable. A great ceiling should create vibrant visual interest, but it should also hide […]
Silk Metal™
Micro-Perforated Metal Acoustic Ceiling & Wall Panels Our unique Silk Metal ceiling & wall panels are state-of-the-art micro-perforated aluminum sound absorber panels that reduce echo and sound reflections. These perforated metal acoustic panels for ceilings and walls have an elegantly smooth appearance, with an excellent NRC rating of 0.80. Resembling smooth silk fabric, Silk Metal […]
How Acoustics Play A Role In The Value Of A Project
When designing a room, an event acoustic space, or even an entire building, understanding the acoustic demands and needs that space has can be the difference between success and failure in the eyes of the client. Even though this can be a make-or-break component of many projects, it is often overlooked. Acoustical Surfaces looks at […]