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Insul-Quilt™ Sound Absorbing Blanket

Insul-Quilt™ Sound Absorbing Blanket Insul-Quilt™ Sound Absorbing Blanket Insul-Quilt™ Sound Absorbing Blanket
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By absorbing environmental noises in the studio, home or workplace, such as an office space or warehouse, Insul-Quilts sound blankets help create more peaceful and efficient environments.

Insul-Quilts is an acoustic blanket with fiberglass layers and fiberglass cloth sewn to a flame-proof foil infused backing. This sound absorbing insulation blanket offers great sound absorption, insulating qualities and a radiant barrier for studios, auditoriums, concert halls, warehouses and more.

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Insul-Quilt Acoustic Blanket– Noise Reduction Coefficient – Type A
125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz NRC
Insul-Quilt 0.18 0.62 1.14 1.12 1.07 1.05 1.00

Product Specs


This sound absorbing insulation blanket features a fiberglass core, faced with fiberglass cloth, and backed with a flame-proof foil.




4′×16′ – Custom Length Available up to 36'


28lbs Roll


White or Black Faced (Custom colors available)


Class A Fire Rated per ASTM E84


K Value = 9





Insul-Quilts acoustic blanket has gained a strong reputation among builders and architects for providing optimum environmental noise reduction in filming studios. As a result, many builders and architects began to use our Insul-Quilts acoustic blankets in other projects which include casinos, airport buildings, mixed-use buildings, retirement facilities, hospitals, schools, office buildings, apartment buildings, and hotels. The blanket sound absorbing performance and flexibility to install with consistent results have led to increased uses and applications in high environmental noise areas.

Insul-Quilts acoustic blanket is manufactured with state-of-the-art materials in the USA.  The blankets may be installed as a plenum wall, installed directly on the walls and ceilings and can be laid on top of drop ceilings for noise control. Weighing only 0 .44 lbs. per square foot it is significantly lighter than most other professional-grade materials, yet this sound-absorbing insulation blanket absorbs in many cases as much as twice the noise as other materials.

Insul-Quilts acoustic blanket is made of layers of glass wool faced with white or black fiberglass cloth and backed with aluminum foil. This acoustic blanket is approximately two inches thick and four feet wide and is manufactured in varying lengths. Insul-Quilts acoustic blanket can be manufactured to length for each individual client’s needs.


Insul-Quilts is extremely safe due to its outer flame proof foil, fiberglass contents and receives a Class A Fire Rating when tested to the ASTM E84 standard.

These results make Insul-Quilts a highly versatile and desirable sound-proofing and insulation material safe enough for any structure.

Insul-Quilts has been approved as an interior finish material by the City of Los Angeles Board of Building and Safety Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles.

Insul-Quilts is approved by the City of Los Angeles for installation in a plenum and meets the requirement for use in plenum under section 95.0105 and section 95.1002 of the Los Angeles Mechanical Code.