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Things To Look For On 320 Installation
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- When Trimmed Down A Burr Was Left
When trimmed to length make sure there are no burrs or chips that have gotten into the case. The bar must move freely. You should be able to have the bar go up and down with your finger. - Case Is Not Collapsed or Pinched So Bar Can’t Come Down
The bar must move freely. You should be able to have the bar go up and down with your finger. - Adjusting Screw Is Not Hitting Jamb
Adjusting screw must hit jamb for the Automatic Door Bottom to work properly. - Mounting Screw Is Not In Straight
Mounting screws must be straight, not pressing against the case. - Clearance Under Door Should Not be Greater Than 3/4″
- Automatic Seal works on a pivot system. The adjusting screw hits the hinge side of the door making the bar come down on the hinge side – when the bar comes in contact with the floor, threshold, or some hard surface it pivots the bar, and the latch or strike side of the bar will come down. Make sure the automatic seal is adjusted correctly – note that the automatic seal will not work as well on carpet.
- Watch so that the bar is not pulled down too far when trimming or looking at the Automatic Door Bottom. Pulling the bar down to far stretches the spring and ruins it so the automatic will not work properly.