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Acousti-Board Ultra – Soundproofing Backer

Acousti-board ultra soundproofing material for sale at Acoustical Surfaces

Soundproof Board Backer

Acousti-board Ultra Soundproof backer is a green way to soundproof your next project. This material helps reduce noise while staying out of sight. This tackable, economical solution is easy to install and has noise reduction benefits in addition to its green construction. Made from 50% pre-consumer recycled synthetic fiber, your next project can sound better and go greener with Acousti-board Ultra. Find out more about this product below.

  • Economical
  • Recycled “Green” Product
  • Tackable
  • Easy to Install

Product Testing & Information

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  • Installation Instructions
  • CSI Specifications
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Product Specs


Acoustic sound insulation panel built from 50% pre-consumer recycled synthetic fiber


This soundproof board contributes to LEED MRc4.1-4.2 credits


Acoustic sound insulation panel backer for Wallmate, behind drywall, and other applications


1/2" (± 1/16”)


2′ x 4′ or 4′ x 8’


4′ x 8′ sheets = approx 17 lbs
2′ x 4′ sheets = approx 4.25 lbs


13 lb pcf


1/2″ thickness = 1.9 hr−ft2−°F/Btu


Class A Fire Rating per ASTM E84

Acoustical Performance

NRC Rating per ASTM C423 – 0.50
STC Rating per ASTM E90 – 15


Sound Transmission Class. (STC) The sound-insulating property of an acoustic insulation board is expressed in terms of the sound transmission loss. (Stand alone soundboard insulation – no ceiling or wall assembly) ASTM E90-04, ASTM E413-04 STC = 15.

Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) A single number rating obtained by taking the arithmetic average of the absorption coefficients at specified frequencies, rounded to the nearest 0.05.
NRC = 0.50

Sound Absorption Average (SAA) A single number rating obtained by taking the arithmetic average of the one-third octave bands at specified frequencies, rounded to the nearest 0.01.
SAA = 0.49


Mechanical fastener or adhesive

Reverberation Demonstration

Acousti-Board Ultra – Sound Absorption
Size Mount 125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz NRC
½″ A .05 .12 .32 .69 .83 .87 .50


Acousti-Board Ultra – Sound Transmission Class
Size 125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz STC
½″ 12 14 13 14 17 21 15