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HG Isolation Washer Bushing

HG Isolation Washer Bushing HG Neoprene Washer Bushings HG Neoprene Washer Bushings

Bolt and Rod Isolation Washer Bushings are for isolation noise and serve as minimum isolation of vibration where mounts and hangers are not required. These vibration isolation washers are made up of high quality bridge-bearing neoprene for maximum performance and life.

In seismic applications, the HG neoprene washer’s reduce bolt shearing impact forces which can occur in seismic areas. These shearing forces are responsible for significant equipment movement observed after recent California earthquakes.

Product Testing & Information

HD Washer Dimensions
Type & Size Bolt Diameter H T HD ID OD
HG-25 1/4″ 3/8″ 1/8″ 1/2″ 1/4″ 1″
HG-38 3/8″ 1/2″ 1/8″ 5/8″ 3/8″ 1-1/4″
HG-50 1/2″ 1/2″ 1/8″ 3/4″ 1/2″ 1-5/8″
HG-63 5/8″ 5/8″ 3/16″ 7/8″ 5/8″ 2″
HG-75 3/4″ 5/8″ 3/16″ 1″ 3/4″ 2-1/4″
HG-100 1″ 7/8″ 1/4″ 1-1/4″ 1″ 2-3/4″
HG-125 1-1/4″ 7/8″ 1/4″ 1-1/2″ 1-1/4″ 3-1/4″
HG-150 1-1/2″ 1″ 1/4″ 1-3/4″ 1-1/2″ 3-3/4″