Search Results for 'tile'

The Problematic Gym

The Problematic Gym Ted Weidman   Nearly every gymnasium has the same problem –a horrible echo.  If you combine a tile or wood floor, concrete walls and a metal roof deck, it does not take a degree in acoustics to assume that there is going to be a long echo in the room.  Couple the […]

Central Advent Gym

Ted,  Thank you for helping our church choose the right solution to the echoing problem in our gym. It took four people 3.5 hours to hang the 600 sq. ft. of Echo Eliminator tiles from the sloped corners of the room with two men on the scaffolding, applying the spray adhesive and placing it on […]

Oakwood United Methodist

Fellowship Hall Acoustics   Do you have a fellowship hall?!?  Do the noise levels in your fellowship hall get to uncomfortable levels when filled with people?!?  Have you been lucky enough to be the one chosen to find out how to fix this?!?  Will you have an entire committee to report to?!?  Do you have […]

Toby Studio Testimonial

Toby’s Home practice room / Studio   I began working Withy Toby back in April of 2008. He called our company looking for a solution to his problem. Toby is in a band and the band uses his house to practice. The concern was to contain the sound being made by the band from disturbing […]

Geico Baffles

  GEICO Real Estate & Facilities Picture a cafeteria or lunch room that can hold 150 people.  The picture in your mind is going to depend on the age group of people using the room.  Grade school, high school or college cafeterias usually have vinyl tile floors, painted concrete walls and either a drop ceiling […]

Poly Max Landing Page

Polyester Acoustical Panels Poly Max™ Acoustical Wall & Ceiling Panels provide your next project with a safe and high-performance noise-reduction solution. These polyester fabric acoustic panels offer a variety of benefits to fit a large spectrum of projects. Help create an acoustically optimized room that looks as good as it sounds with Poly Max™ Acoustical […]

Whispering Galleries

Have you ever heard of a whispering gallery? It is an architectural feature that allows a whisper to be heard clearly across other parts of the gallery.

Why Architects, Designers, and Builders should consider Acoustics from Day One

Sounds and noises around us can have a profound impact on everything we do. The music we listen to, the programs we watch, and the work conferences or school classes we attend can be either positively or negatively impacted by sound quality and acoustics. Unfortunately, not all the places we occupy or visit are designed […]

Envirocoustic™ Wood Wool – Lay In Tegular

Cementitious Wood-Fiber Acoustic Lay-In Tegular Ceiling Tile Envirocoustic™ Wood Wool Lay-In Tegular ceiling tiles provide a unique design aesthetic and lead the acoustical-panel products category as an eco-friendly, high-performing, and cost-effective sound absorber that manages echo and reverberation to improve the acoustics in a room or space. Ecologically, Envirocoustic Wood Wool is simple to produce […]

Envirocoustic Wood Wool Landing Page

The Envirocoustic Wood Wool acoustic panels are eco-friendly, high-performance, and cost-effective at reducing sound transmission. Call us and purchase wood wool boards today!   Cementitious Wood-Fiber Acoustic Ceiling and Wall Panels Envirocoustic™ Wood Wool is now a leader in the eco-friendly, high-performance, cost-effective acoustical-panel products category. These wood fiber acoustic panels perform well by absorbing […]