4 Smart Uses for Fabric-Wrapped Acoustical Products
There are any number of acoustical treatments that can improve the acoustics, feeling and overall experience in a room, as well as blend seamlessly or accent the existing aesthetics. Many of these products are wrapped with acoustically transparent fabric, and the color, pattern and texture choices are vast – making them extremely versatile.
Due to the customizable panel sizes as well as colors and pattern options, our fabric-wrapped fiberglass acoustical panels are a simple and effective way to enhance the design of a space while creating a more optimal sound profile in a room. These panels are custom made to size and shape, and there are literally thousands of colors and patterns of fabric to choose from. The same acoustically transparent fabrics are also used on other products such as hanging baffles and clouds, as well as many of our diffusors.
Wherever you live, and however you spend your time, there are a variety of ways that fabric-wrapped panels can benefit your home or commercial space. Here are 4 creative and intelligent applications.
Optimize Your Office with Fabric-Wrapped Panels
A quiet and comfortable workspace is critical to an effective work environment. Whether your project is for a handful of people or an entire office building, acoustics should be high on the list of must-have qualities. Our FABRISORB panels are specially designed to create a crisp soundscape in a room by reducing echo and reverberation. This will allow you to engage in conference calls or simply maintain concentration due to the reduction in ambient noise and reflections that can confuse your ears and brain.
Worried about aesthetics? Don’t be. Our FABRISORB panels can be crafted with a custom color scheme to either blend in or complement the existing aesthetic of your office. Using fabric-wrapped panels in a complementary color to the walls as a decorative accent can be a strong design choice, as trying to perfectly match a fabric with a paint can be visually distracting. The two colors will be close, but JUST off enough that your eye and brain will get stuck trying to figure out if they are the same color or not. Ultimately, color and aesthetics are up to you, we’re just the acoustics geeks.
Upgrade Your Music Room or Studio
One of the most common ways to implement our fabric-wrapped panels is in a studio or music room. If you are a musician, studio professional, or helping to build the music wing of a college or high school, a quiet music room is a must. That’s where acoustical panels come in. We offer a host of products that can help with sound absorption in the room to enhance the listening experience, as well as products to reduce the transmission of sound from room to room – but we won’t touch on those products here. If your music room has four parallel, untreated walls, it is very likely that the acoustics of your space have a lot of room for improvement. Installing some fabric-wrapped panels can create a much cleaner, enjoyable and natural-sounding room.
Curve Diffusors are another great option for enhanced sound performance. These curved, fabric-wrapped surfaces help to scatter sound and reduce linear reflections throughout the room, which can greatly increase listening quality. High-quality audio equipment can effectively be wasted if the listening room is full of reflective surfaces; using a combination of absorbers and diffusors can help mitigate this problem.
Explore Fabric Baffles in Large, Open Spaces
If you manage a large, open space such as a library, gymnasium, lobby, or a large conference room, incorporating fabric-wrapped baffles could be the perfect addition.
Echo and noise travel can be distracting in rooms that house many people at once. In spaces with high ceilings, baffles will help reduce echo and create a more acoustically optimal environment for those spending time in the room. What’s more, baffles can be used as a design element: for example, a classic beam-style aesthetic can be achieved with custom baffles. By customizing the color of the fabric facing, you can further curate the design of the space.
Consider Diffusors in Your Home Theater
If your home theater has not been acoustically treated, you are missing out on substantial improvements in your viewing experience. In addition to the absorption of sound to improve acoustics in a home theater, scattering sound can also result in major improvements. As cinema sound bounces around the room, it reaches your ears at several different times due to reflective surfaces in the room. Curve Diffusors are the most natural-sounding, accurate, and affordable improvement you can make to room acoustics. As previously mentioned, the curved, fabric-wrapped surface helps to scatter sound and reduce linear reflections, creating a much more natural-sounding room with reduced echo.
Acoustical Surfaces: Your Complete Sound Absorption Solution
When outfitting your home or workspace for acoustics, effectiveness should not come at the expense of practicality or design. As a designer, builder or architect, your task is often to create a comfortable environment that looks as great as it sounds, and we are happy to help you find the right product from both aesthetic and performance standpoints. We will work with you each step of the way, providing insights and advice on everything your project will need.
We leverage our decades of experience in the industry as well as our diverse catalogue of products to provide designers, architects and builders with the solutions they need to create top-notch rooms and environments. Get in touch with our technicians or browse our product offering by exploring our website today.