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Which Acoustic Foam Shape Is Best

Which Acoustic Foam Shape Is Best?

Sound is a crucial yet unobtrusive thread woven through the tapestry of daily life. It can change the mood of any space you inhabit, influencing how you perceive your surroundings. For some, sound is a central component of their work (think musicians and audio engineers); for others, sound is a requirement for productivity (think quiet […]

Acoustic Panels

Acoustic Panels vs. Acoustic Foam

Room acoustics matter, and controlling the way sound behaves—whether for productivity (as in loud workplaces) or for maximum enjoyment (as in a theater)—is essential. If you’re looking to manage noise, you need a sound absorption solution. Traditionally, that means installing acoustic panels or acoustic foam. Both options can effectively reduce unwanted flutter echoes, making high-noise […]

sound diffusion vs absorption

Sound Diffusion & Absorption Explained

To bring out the best in your vocals and instruments, you need more than just warm-ups, lessons, and practice. You need a strong acoustic sound space. And when it comes to sound diffusion vs absorption, you need both for high-quality audio, each serving a unique purpose in crafting your ideal sound environment. Absorption and diffusion […]

Acoustic Planning for Architects

Day 1: Acoustic Planning for Architects, Designers & Builders

The soundscape around us has a profound impact on everything we do. The music we listen to, the programs we watch, and the work conferences or school classes we attend can be either positively or negatively impacted by sound quality and room acoustics. Unfortunately, not all places we occupy or visit are designed with our […]

how to reduce echo in a room

How to Reduce Echo in an Office

Large offices are ideal for providing businesses with ample meeting spaces and building a stronger sense of community among coworkers. Unfortunately, more space can also lead to more echo. Work in an office already comes with its own challenges to navigate. Added distractions, such as heightened noise and echo, can create big headaches for employees. […]

high frequency noise

Understanding the Difference Between High-, Middle- and Low-Frequency Noise

The best architects understand that sound is an integral part of the experience of a space. But it’s not just a matter of whether a space is “loud” or “quiet.” There are many different types of sound, often categorized as high frequency noise, middle frequency noise, and low frequency noise. Not only do sounds in […]

soundproofing vs sound absorbing

Soundproofing vs sound absorbing – explaining the difference

I have been getting a lot of calls lately where people are looking to soundproof a room. They explain to me that they want sound that is being made within the room to STAY in the room or they want to keep sound out of their space. We commonly begin talking about the room and the type of noise that we are dealing with in each particular situation […]

The Art of Acoustic Consultation: Working with Professionals for Custom Solutions

Often, unwanted sounds can cause unwanted headaches—and this feeling is far-reaching. Commercial or residential, urban or rural, elevator motor or tap dancing neighbor: no matter the setting or the cause, most everyone is happier in a space that’s free of loud, unpleasant sounds. With new research suggesting that human health is improved by reducing noise […]

Is Rubber Soundproof

Is Rubber Soundproof? Everything You Need to Know

Soundproofing—it’s a word used often, but what does it really entail? At its core, soundproofing refers to the intricate process of barring sound from sneaking in or out of a given space. This is most commonly achieved by strategically deploying dense, airtight materials within walls, ceilings, floors, and even the tiniest crevices. The primary aim […]