Noisy Restaurant

We are looking for some panels for an existing restaurant with hard floors, walls and ceiling. Doing your cubic volume calculation, we need somewhere around 70 2’x4′ tiles. Let me know what kind of solutions, sizes and prices you have for black/charcoal fabric.

Thank you for the E-mail. The question is simple, but the answer may be lengthy fairly variable depending on the budget for the project and the aesthetic that you need to maintain. There are basically three main options, but there could be up to 10 options for different types of products. If I were to quickly suggest options, they would include the Echo Eliminator panels (in either charcoal or black), the Fabric-Wrapped-Fiberglass panels and the Sound Silencer panels. Also, possibly the WallMate stretch-wall system. The prices for the panels depend on the option, the size and the quantity. Additionally, each of these products has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. I could go on and explain each but that would turn into a lengthy E-mail. If you would like to discuss the options, please feel free to contact me.

The Echo Eliminator is the most economical but as it is made from recycled cotton fibers, depending on the location of the installation, it may be least aesthetically pleasing and finished looking. With that said, it has been used MANY times in the past as a panel which blends into the background, especially the darker colors. The panels are 2’x4′ and are in the $4.00 range for the 1″ 3lb panels. Shipping is usually UPS and the panels are in stock. NCR: .80

The Fabric Wrapped fiberglass panels are probably the most popular for restaurant type applications for two reasons, the freedom of size and color. These are boards of fiberglass cut to size (cut down from 4×8 or 4×10 boards) and wrapped with MANY different colors of fabric. The disadvantages of these is that because they are custom made, they are the most costly option. Additionally, because of the size, weight, and fairly fragile nature of the product, these are put onto pallets and shipped via LTL truck. These panels are usually in the $6.00-7.00 range for the 1″ thickness, but the cost depends completely on the size, shape, fabric, quantity, etc. The lead time is usually around two-weeks. NRC: .85

The Sound Silencer panels are the least absorbent of these options but they do not have any particulation and are sometimes used for their aesthetic. There are really only certain rooms or areas that they should be used, but usually in areas like this, they are the only option. They are in the $5.50 range for the 1″ thickness, shipped via UPS and are in stock. NRC: .45

As I said earlier, there are a few other potential products that would potentially fit the bill here, but in my years of working here these tend to be the most popular and likely options. I would be happy to discuss these, the options, or the whole situation with you if you would like, please feel free to contact me.

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