NOISE CONTROL HELP LINE: 1-800-854-2948 M - F 8A.M. - 5P.M. (CENTRAL TIME)
Noise Control Help Line: 1-800-854-2948 M - F 8a.m. - 5p.m. (Central Time)
Acoustical Surfaces, Inc.
Sound Proofing | Acoustics | Noise & Vibration Control
Envirocoustic Wood Wool Hexagon Install Video
It’s practically official: “too much noise” is now customers’ single most-hated restaurant problem, ahead of bad service, bad food, and high prices. While open kitchens, cranked-up music-playback systems, and raucous diners certainly have played a part in amplifying this business-killing monster, many complaints were aimed squarely – and rightly – at the restaurant’s acoustics. Hard […]
Read NowThis month’s edition of What’s That Noise? focuses on office environments—enclosed areas that depend on quietness to ensure the clearest communication possible. Millions of Americans spend 40 or more hours working in office buildings each week. Unfortunately, not all the time spent by office employees is productive, as the buildings they work in are a […]
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