How To Quiet Your Noisy Garage Door
I finally got around to installing your product. I wanted to thank you for the installation suggestion. The install worked great and so does your product. Even with a cheap, noisy, builder installed garage door opener the noise was eliminated. Not just in the upstairs bedroom but down stairs and in the garage as well. Thanks a bunch.
Other than a vehicle, a garage door opener is probably the most prominent noise source in a garage. They are strong motors that often introduce a large amount of vibration into a structure. Depending on the location of the garage, this can be quite bothersome. The situation below illustrates a bit more challenging of a situation than most – simply because of the way this motor is mounted. Patrick contacted me and explained the situation and I asked him to send a picture of the opener, which he obliged. Knowing how the RSIC-DC04x2 clips mount, I did a quick photoshop alteration of the picture illustrating that if a block of wood were bolted into the header, it would allow a surface parallel to the floor to which the DC04 clips would mount.
Here is the spec page for the Garage Door Isolation Kit**If you want to be added to our list for monthly coupon for discounts , E-mail me your contact information** This month is Green Glue, NEXT month (August) will be Garage Door Kit!!!
If you would like to purchase one, here is the direct link to our online store.
Ted W
Good afternoon and thank you for the post! Yes, the clips help significantly and are one of the products that generate the most frequent positive responses. Over the years, I’ve noticed that people with belt-drive openers generally report a larger reduction but it helps with both belt/chain. A good friend of mine just added a new master bedroom over their garage and both he and his wife greatly appreciated the reduction of vibration after the clips were installed. Most people purchase the motor-only kit, install that and them, if needed, install the kit for the rails as well. If you would like any additional information or a quote, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you!
I am checking on this for my son. He comes home late at night from work and has to leave his car outside due to his son’s bedroom being directly above the garage. His opener operates a double garage door which is mounted from the ceiling which is approx. 12 foot high and has long angle brackets mounted at the ceiling and down to the opener. A little diferent situation as the attached pitures shown.
Would this help in this situation?
I would appreiate your comments.