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Christ Fellowship Church - Wall Mate

Hi Ted,

This is our first phase. 

This small amount does make a difference, but we have at least 6 more sections to put up. We were 2 strips of the inner and outer plastic frame short, because we cut some at the wrong angle and wasted some. We will order them the next time we order. The next time we order we will order enough to finish the back wall. It took us quite a lot of time to get set up and figure out how to assembly the sections, but after the first few we were better and faster. They really look beautiful and accent the wall, I think. As soon as we raise the rest of the money we will order more.



This e-mail was generated by Pastor Bob Calaway 1550 W.Tracy Rd. (600 N) Whiteland, IN 46184 Christ Fellowshlp Worship Center
